
Posts Tagged ‘maple bourbon roasted carrots’


I have a difficult time getting excited about fall vegetables.  After the flashiness of those late September tomatoes has passed, the garden basil has gone brown and the multi-hued peppers have started to wane, what’s left?  Squash?  Wheeee.  Root vegetables?  Exciting for about 1 minute.  I had a conversation with a Twitter friend recently about how boring roasted root vegetbles can be – uninspired, plain, typically underseasoned and snooze worthy.  Roast them with a little olive oil, salt, pepper and maybe a drizzle of balsamic vinegar but then, what’s next?  How can you take something simple, hearty and abundant and add some life?  Some excitement?  Well, I’ll tell you.  High heat and simple but delicious flavors: butter, of course, but also maple, that classic flavor of cold weather.  And bourbon.  Everything is simply better with bourbon.  It’s a fact.


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